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Our Mission

Image by Alicia Quan

Share The Gospel

The Gospel means "Good News." The good news is that because of the death, burial and resurrection, Jesus has the ability to step into any situation and give you a fresh start where you can have new life in Him. At POJ, the messages are not only life changing but will leave you longing for a stronger relationship with God. We want you to know that the words of Jesus written 2000 years ago still have life changing power today. We want to share this Good News with everyone!

Stalks of Wheat

Grow Disciples

To be a disciple is to "follow Jesus." Whether you are just beginning to find God or have been a committed Christian for years, our desire is to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus. We believe growth happens as a result of spending time in prayer (communication with God), studying His Word and living (practicing) how God says. We make available corporate bible studies, small group classes, individual home Bible studies as well as various tools and resources to help you grow in your walk with God.

Happy Family

Strengthen Families

POJ is family focused. We come alongside families offering practical help such as counseling, specialized training classes, financial stewardship teaching, and student ministry from kids to college-aged adults. Every event, gathering and time together is family-friendly.

Kids Praying

10 Year Vision

We hope and pray that in 2030, this can be said of The Pentecostals of Jonesboro:


We are a welcoming home to over 1,000 people with the same ethnic makeup as our community, who have experienced the New Birth plan of salvation and are seeking Jesus Christ and growing in the grace of the gospel. With all our efforts wholly dependent on God, we make disciples across all ages; every stage of life has a position in the church.


We celebrate 150 baptisms every year. We are a safe place for the broken and suffering to come and find that hope lives here. We send disciples into homes, into neighborhoods, into our city, and into the nations.

We have planted and revitalized 5 churches and support over 35 missionaries on the field.


We have seen more than 2,000 disciples rise from our 6 campuses, church plants,

and revitalization efforts.


We are building beyond ourselves, living the greater story together, and creating a multi-generational church for today and tomorrow.

Meet the Team


Senior Pastor

Darrell & Shelley Runyan

Darrell is a graduate of the University of Arkansas Fort Smith with an Associate of Arts degree and John Brown University where he graduated with honors with a Business and Information Systems degree. He married Shelley (Pearce) in 1988. Darrell & Shelley have pastored in Winslow, AR and Booneville, AR before coming to Jonesboro in August of 2011 to serve as Senior Pastor. Darrell has held license with the United Pentecostal Church, International since 1990 and he is a member of the Arkansas District Board. He serves as Presbyter of Section 5, which consists of 23 churches in Northeast Arkansas.

Shelley is known for her great capacity to love, her welcoming smile, and the care with which she treats God’s people. At the age of 12 she began playing the piano in her father’s church in Conway, AR and has been serving in the Kingdom of God ever since. She is the lead of our First Impressions Team.


Darrell and his wife Shelley have two children: Chelsie Taylor (Husband Chris) our youth pastor and Brock (Wife Hannah). They have four grandchildren, Grayson, Hannah, Ezra, and Chapel Taylor plus one great grandchild - Everleigh.

Pastor & First Lady


Youth & Family Pastor

Chris & Chelsie Taylor

Chris and Chelsie Taylor serve as both family and student pastor. They have four children and a grandchild whom they love dearly. Their passion and purpose is to share the love and Word of God in every aspect of ministry and circle of influence they are both in. 

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Children's Pastor

Adam & Krystal Dozier

Adam and Krystal serve as our POJ Kids pastor. They have served together in various ministries including kids, youth and young adult for the past 20 years. They create a safe, nurturing environment to help foster our kid's relationship with God. They have one incredible, teenage son.


Hyphen Pastor

Dustin & Lacy Thomas

Dustin and Lacy lead our Hyphen Group of young adults, and strive to give them the tools to succeed in life, careers, relationships, and ministry! They have been blessed with three wonderful children. Individually, they also serve the church in different teams and ministries.


Worship Pastor & Axios Principal

Omri & Ali Hodges

Omri attended Indiana Bible College majoring in Worship Studies and minoring in Theological Studies. Ali attended Urshan College where she studied Human Services. They recently welcomed a beautiful baby girl. Omri & Ali bring an incredible amount of skill and energy to our worship team.


Shelley Goolsby - Secretary/Treasurer
Sarah O'Brien - Chief of Staff
Kim Ramsey - Prayer
Debbie Johnson - Wonderland Daycare
Dave & Shelly Barley - Hope In Recovery
Craig Smith - Purpose Institute

Omri Preaching

We are founded upon the belief that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God.

What We Believe

  • We believe in the great commission and are endeavoring to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love, mercy and compassion.

  • We believe there is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4). He is the creator of heaven and earth, and of all living beings. He has revealed Himself to humanity as the Father (Creator), as the Son (Savior), and as the Holy Ghost (indwelling Spirit).

  • We believe in water baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sin through baptism.

  • We identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-6; Colossians 2:11-14; Acts 2:38)​.

  • We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial sign of speaking in other tongues (Acts 2:4).

  • We believe in the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He ministers to His people through tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy; words of knowledge and wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, working of miracles, healing, helps and government (Mark 16:15-18; Acts 5:16; 2 Corinthians 12:1-11).

POJ missions exist to connect us with others as we partner together to build the Kingdom of God. Join us and help make a difference as we share in what God is doing locally, nationally and around the world.

  • Support and partner with local ministries to reach the people of our community.

  • Assist in establishing and helping churches nationwide so they can reach more people with the life-giving message of Jesus.

  • Help plant new churches worldwide and partner with missionaries who are reaching the world with the Gospel.

Global Missions

Missionaries We Support

Randy Adams - Africa

Mark Alphin - Finland

Dan Barkley - Chile

Joey Bir - Chile

JR Black - Bahamas/Bermuda/ABC Island

Marcus Brainos - France

Ken Cantrell - Burkina Faso

Richard Carver - Papua New Guinea

Ed Hosmer - Japan

Robert Kelley - UK/Ireland/Channel Islands

James Marse - Bolivia

Raymond Mason - Azerbaijan

Joshua Moreno - Greece

John Nowacki - France/Monaco

Chris Richardson - Madagascar

Charles Robinette - International

Brad Schreckhise - Dominican Republic

Richard Smoak - Tanzania/Burumdi

Solomon Island  - Field Account

Michael Walmer - Uruguay/Brazil

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